Thursday, July 30, 2009

Loving the Wild Wild Perth

I’ve always been an animal lover. Just to share with everyone, my favourite animals are the sea turtles. There are quite a number of turtle species like the green turtle, leatherback, Hawkbill’s turtle and many more. I adore all of them. I think they are such a graceful creature, swimming across the deep blue sea, passing through immeasurable waves with one thing in mind; to reach its destination safely. However, sea turtles are facing the most dangerous threat of all animals – EXTINCTION! Not only we (and our children) would not be able to see a real sea turtle in the future, it would also affect the whole life chain of the environment if its extinction happened. We must curb animal extinction fast!

One way is to be alert in all our doings and habits. Simple steps like keeping our environment clean, avoid using plastic bags and throwing them into the river or sea, stop using polystyrene containers and many more. Another thing that you can do is to instill your love to Mother Nature and she will love you back. Let me share with you some animals in Perth which equally deserve our generous love and care.

Koala is one of the national ‘emblem’ of Australia. They live on trees and feed on eucalypt leaves. The hairy creatures are so adorable that children and adults love them so much.

Koala playing Peekaboo... (Photo credit : jenontheedge)

Emu, the second ‘emblem’ of Australia, is a non-flying bird which can run fast! To me, it looks similar to an ostrich but smaller, hairier and has 3 toes (while ostrich has only two)!

Hairy Emu... (Photo credit : Ray Drew)

Another ‘emblem’ of Australia would be the kangaroo. This cute creature has a strong tail which help them to jump further and faster. A female kangaroo has a pouch on its body where baby joey sits.

"Mama, let me go in!" (Photo credit : Ray Drew)

A cute little creature like wombat is not to be missed when you are in Perth. It looks similar to a hamster but is much bigger in size. Wombats also carry their babies in a pouch on its body except that the pocket is facing backward. This is to avoid sands and dirt from getting into the pocket, making their babies dirty when they are digging the soil. Smart isn’t it?

"I am big hamster wombat" (Photo credit : Ray Drew)

"Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree,
Merry merry king of the bush is he…"

To some (especially scouts of older generation), you might be familiar with this song. I remember my father singing this song to my sisters and I when we were little kids. He used to sing this song during his scouting era too. Kookaburra is a relatively big bird which can be found in Australia. They are carnivorous and I heard they sing well too!

King of the bush! (Photo credit : George Aitken)

All these lovely animals can be found in the Perth Zoo, a great place for nature enthusiasts and animal lovers, like me, to get closer to such animals under proper supervision and protection. I believe we all have our own part and responsibility in protecting the nature and environment for a better tomorrow.

Let’s fly together to wild wild Perth with PYO Travel! Book your tickets online and start playing your part in greening the world.

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