Monday, August 10, 2009

The Saga Continues : Part 3 : Food-Hunting in Jogjakarta

This round, let us venture around Jogjakarta for some local delicacies to excite our taste buds!

1. Gudeg Yogya
This is a dish where the locals eat as staple food. Gudeg Yogya is similarly as famous as Nasi Kandar to Penang. To be exact, it’s a plate of white rice, served with some specially cooked young nangka (jackfruit) slices in herbs & coconut milk, some stew chicken meat and eggs. Some even add-on some beancurds and vegetable to do some extra bits for their customers.

2. Nasi Langgi
Here’s another rice dish. Served on banana leaf (to enhance the aroma), with some fried beef (locally known as ‘empal’), preserved beef (‘abon’), potato cakes (‘perdekel’), stew egg and ‘sambal’. To me, it’s a ‘nasi lemak look-alike’ except for the ‘abon’ which we don’t get it here in Malaysia.

3. Ayam Goreng Kalasan
Yummy crispy golden fried chicken! Marinated with garlic, coriander and other herbs for taste and aroma. Must try!

4. Bakpia Pathuk
A snack most of us would like to get as souvenirs for our family or friends. Actually, it is rather similar to the “Tambun Pneah” from Penang. I like the original green bean type most. There are also some other taste like chocolate and cheese.

5. Wedang Ronde
Reminds me so much of ‘tangyuen’ (glutinous rice balls). A bowl of ‘wedang’ is served in warm ginger soup along with some peanuts. You can usually get them from push-cart vendor at night. The taste? Love it!

I bet most of us would not know that we have so much in common with Jogjakarta food. Well, can we say we are really neighbours or what? Grab a taste of Jogja’s best food and keep the food-hunting spirit continues with PYO Travel.

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